
Shopify / Beauty

Nosta Beauty offers high-quality, nostalgic beauty products. This website was designed by Chloe Ford Designs, and built by myself. This project is full of colour and movement, and is highly custom. Take notice of the animations all over the home page including the marquee text announcement bar, the spinning ‘sticker’, rainbow scrolling text, and pulsing image icons.

My favourite part was developing the flexible hero image that allows for 1-2 images or videos and changes size based on the content. Custom sections like this help break the repetitive look of standard Shopify templates. I love how Chloe designed a unique About page with interesting layouts for the bios and it was a fun challenges to build this to be responsive to different screen sizes. All of the colours and graphics carried through every page make this website truly memorable and stand out from competitors.


Wild Dose


Malkia Candles